Developer | Creative | Maker

Sorob's diverse background in electronics and interactive programming fused with a strong interest in emerging technologies guides his passion for creating experiences that explore the possibilities of communication. 


Developer | Creative | Architect

Ana Herruzo is an Architect,  Designer and Programmer working at the intersection of art, technology and architecture. Her focus is on the combination of lighting, audio and video with the physical environment,  materials and human interaction. Synthesizing disciplines, she creates spatial experiences for such wide-ranging applications as art installations, live music events, film, robotics, and architecture.


Engineer | Inventor | Programmer

Little is known about him. Rumors say Portland is his natural habitat. 
Some say he is an Observer while others say he has been abducted by Nordics and he was sent back to Earth with alien knowledge of C, C++, and Computer Graphics. 


Animator | Artist | Designer

Tony Grisey is a 3d designer, animator, artist, and creative director for a multitude of media, including video games, commercial enterprises, and broadcast. His work has been featured on Playstation, Unity, Communication Arts, Fast Company, Creators Project, and 7 x 7 Magazine.


Developer | Designer | Drone Expert

Sakeeb's passion for innovation guides him through exploring creative ideas and development of magical ways for storytelling in media installations and interactive applications.